The Morning Scroll

Parashat Metzora, April 6th

Mishkan Chicago
Audio Player
00:00 | 04:23

This week's parsha was lost in translation. How did the Torah's anti-gossip message of looking out for the signs of tzaraat become the cruel Medieval practice of quarantining people with skin diseases like leprosy? It's all Greek to us.

Today's episode is sponsored by Broadway In Chicago. Tickets to The Prom are available now! Use Mishkan's special offer code PARTY49 for $49 tickets, valid for April 19 and 20 (evening only), and April 21, in the Orchestra, Dress Circle and Loge seating area.

Produced by Mishkan Chicago.  Music composed, produced, and performed by Kalman Strauss. See our upcoming Shabbat services and programs here, and follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook for more updates. Check out Shabbat Replay on Contact Chai for more from Rabbi Deena.
